Who Am I?

Lesson Summary

Ashley Guion is a CPA-turned-author who helps authors manage their money mess and achieve financial success.

She understands that starting a business can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to understanding financial responsibilities.

As a seasoned CPA with over a decade of public accounting experience and a history of helping hundreds of small business owners, including authors, Guion offers a series of masterclasses that will explain the basics of authorship, ease your nerves, and help point you in the right direction.

The information in her videos should be used as a guide and she encourages authors to research and consult with their own advisors to ensure applicability to their specific situations. Guion aims to shed light on tax deductions, filing requirements, and other financial responsibilities that often go unaddressed.

She acknowledges that many authors may feel overwhelmed when it comes to numbers and hopes to alleviate that stress by providing clear and accessible information. Guion understands the financial constraints authors may face and wants to empower them to make informed decisions without breaking the bank.

While she emphasizes that her opinions and interpretations should be taken as such, she hopes that her insights will bridge the gap between the worlds of writing and finance. She wants to offer a frame of reference for authors to conduct their own research and gain a better understanding of their financial obligations.

Ultimately, Guion's goal is to help authors feel more confident and at ease when it comes to managing their finances. She recognizes that this information is not a substitute for professional advice but hopes that it can provide some clarity and peace of mind.

You don't know what you don't know – but that doesn’t protect you from getting in trouble with the IRS – learn your business responsibilities and stay on the right side of the US federal tax law.

She's a CPA but not your CPA. Nothing in these videos is tax advice - it's for educational and informational purposes (to be followed up with additional research later). Please confirm applicability in your own scenario with an advisor who is familiar with your specific situation. These opinions are tailored to US federal tax laws as of 2024. There is no state-specific information included.

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